Informace o projektu
Complex ecological restoration of degraded and disappearing salt marshes in Moravian Pannonia
(LIFE in Salt Marshes)
- Kód projektu
- 101113725
- Období řešení
- 8/2023 - 12/2029
- Investor / Programový rámec / typ projektu
Evropská unie
- Ostatní komunitární programy
- Life
- Fakulta / Pracoviště MU
Přírodovědecká fakulta
- Mgr. Marie Kotasová Adámková, Ph.D.
- Luděk Adámek
- Mgr. Barbora Blažková
- Mgr. Lukáš Bobek, Ph.D.
- doc. Mgr. Jindřiška Bojková, Ph.D.
- Mgr. Júlia Buchtová
- Mgr. Ondřej Hájek
- Mgr. Kryštof Horák
- Mgr. Karel Kizek
- RNDr. Šárka Mašová, Ph.D.
- Stanislav Němejc
- RNDr. Michal Pavonič
- Mgr. Barbora Pelánková, Ph.D.
- Mgr. Jan Petružela
- Mgr. Jana Petruželová, Ph.D.
- Marcela Růžičková
- Mgr. Vojtěch Sobotka
- RNDr. Lenka Šejnohová, Ph.D.
- Mgr. Vanda Šorfová, Ph.D.
- doc. Mgr. Lubomír Tichý, Ph.D.
- Mgr. Martin Vašíček
- Mgr. Zdenko Večerík
- Mgr. Sylvie Žáková, Ph.D.
- Spolupracující organizace
Česká společnost ornitologická -
- Odpovědná osoba Mgr. Gašpar Čamlík
- Odpovědná osoba Ing. Tomáš Hejduk, Ph.D.
- Odpovědná osoba Mgr. Jan Labohý
Proposed project focuses on complex ecological restoration of 506 ha of wetlands located in the agricultural landscape of southern Moravia. This area is divided among eight project localities, each a Natura2000 site. All the project localities include remnants of priority habitat *1340 inland salt meadows, which are in a degraded and diminishing state. For the reporting period 2013-2018, the inland salt meadows got an unfavourable-bad status on both national and international level for. The project localities are threatened by massive overgrowing by expansive and invasive species, eutrophication, nutrient pollution, disruption of natural water regime, lack of management, and consequent homogenization and loss of biodiversity. Our aim is to restore and stabilize the areas with priority habitat of inland salt marches, to renew wetlands’ ecosystem functions, improve water quality and water retention, create new habitats and suitable conditions for target endangered wetland/salt meadow species, strengthen their populations and increase overall biodiversity. Complex ecological restoration will combine traditional methods of management (grazing, controlled burn-off, mowing, turf disruption) together with innovative methods (introducing semi-parasitic plant species to mitigate growth of expansive and invasive plant species, supporting wetland flora by additional targeted sowing of regional seed mixtures, or employing a method of green hay from the well-preserved wetland localities). To address the water pollution and negative effects of previous drainage, we will perform a complex hydro-chemical analysis and install close-to-nature biotechnical measures or natural small water retention measures. In order to verify the effect of project activities, we will perform a detailed biomonitoring and quantitative analysis of ecosystem services and landscape heterogeneity, before and after the project’s realisation.
Cíle udržitelného rozvoje
Masarykova univerzita se hlásí k cílům udržitelného rozvoje OSN, jejichž záměrem je do roku 2030 zlepšit podmínky a kvalitu života na naší planetě.
Počet publikací: 7
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Complex ecological restoration of degraded and disappearing salt marshes in Moravian Pannonia
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Ecological restoration of salt marshes in Moravian Pannonia: problems and opportunities
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LIFE in Salt Marshes, LIFE for amphibians: Complex ecological restoration of degraded and disappearing salt marshes in Moravian Pannonia
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New chance for inland salt marshes: restoration using traditional and innovative approaches
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