Do you wish to add an international dimension to your educational path by spending a mobility period abroad? The Faculty of Science MU is pleased to welcome you. The most common exchange programmes are:
Erasmus + study stays (at MU, it is organized by the CIC - Centre for International Cooperation)
Erasmus+ internships
Freemover, CEEPUS, Visegrad scholarship ... and many more.
If you wish to spend your stay abroad at our faculty, there are two essential steps:
1) please get in touch with your local international office to find out what possibilities your university offers
2) let us know that you are planning a stay abroad; we will help you to find the best possible department for such a stay -> only if we know about your stay, we can help you with accommodation and access to our systems!
Please check the courses in English tab at the top of the page, and MU International Student Guide.
Shall you have any more questions about your stay at our faculty, let us know.
Kotlářská 2, Brno 602 00 (Czech Republic)
Tel +420 549 49 3563 or +420 549 49 5051(Monday - Friday 10:00-15:00)
Courses taught in English can be found in the course catalogue.
How to work with the course catalogue?
Set the filters - choose the term you want to browse the courses for and the teaching language.
You can also choose the faculty and/or specific department or search courses by its title.
Pay attention to the type of studies - B = Bachelor studies, M = long Master studies (5 years), N = Master studies, D = PhD studies
If you want to take a course that is initially designed for a higher study level (for example - you are a Bachelor's student but you are interested in a Master's course), note it might require knowledge that you do not possess yet and be too difficult for you. For detailed information, don't hesitate to get in touch with the teacher of a particular course or your departmental coordinator.
Extent and Intensity of Courses
You can see three numbers for course intensity. The first is the number of hours for lectures, the second is for class exercises/seminars and the last one stands for other types of teaching methods such as labs, etc.
- Example: 2/0/0 (lectures 2, class exercises 0, select another 0)
According to the number of credits gained, you can find two numbers. The first number is the number of credits gained by completion, and the second is the number of possible extra credits.
- Example: 1+1 (plus extra credits for completion). This means the student can gain a specific amount of extra credits if he/she completes the course with a colloquium/examination or any other type of completion.
For detailed information, please get in touch with the teacher of a particular course or your departmental coordinator.
Find out more about the grading system and the exam organization at Masaryk University here.
Contact the department coordinator before choosing courses. At some departments, it may be possible that you can enrol even courses taught in the Czech language and complete them in English.
Department Coordinators
PLEASE NOTE: If you choose courses from a different department than you were nominated for, your departmental coordinator, may approve your LA, but they cannot guarantee that those courses will be taught.

Welcome to Brno, one of the top 5 student cities in the world! You are about to start a new exciting chapter of your life as a new Faculty of Science MU student. Did you know that Masaryk University (MU) belongs in the top 2 % of the best universities in the world thanks to its international ranking?
Below are helpful tips and links to enjoy your time in Brno to the fullest.
Erasmus Student Network = International Student Club
Erasmus Student Network MUNI Brno (ESN MUNI Brno) is a non-profit and non-political student organisation established in the summer of 2003 (as International Student Club MU Brno - ISC MU Brno) to help exchange students coming to study at MU in the new setting.
You can take part in their international events, find new friends and get your own buddy = another student that can help you get around.

Brno - city for students
When choosing the best place to study, the university's prestige is not the only thing to consider. You should also consider your future classmates and the city where you will live. 2nd most significant city in the Czech Republic offers you more than you expect. After all, you can find over 80,000 students here.
Learn more about it: