Biochemists study how animals change the colour of emitted light
Martin Marek has received an EXPRO grant from the Czech Science Foundation (GACR) to study the transfer of bioluminescent energy in marine organisms.
Martin Marek has received an EXPRO grant from the Czech Science Foundation (GACR) to study the transfer of bioluminescent energy in marine organisms.
For more than 15 years, MUNI students have been able to go on placements in Europe through Erasmus+. Almost 3000 students have already taken advantage of this opportunity. From this year, the university has become part of a European Union exchange programme with a new feature - financed placements outside Europe.
The Academic Senate of MU, at its 284th session, approved the increase in wage rates by a higher amount than previously by approving an amendment to the Internal Wage Regulations of Masaryk University. Forty-six of the 47 present senators voted in favour.
Exactly three years have passed since the Russian invasion of Ukraine began. Masaryk University has accepted nearly 500 students from Ukraine in a special admissions procedure and has signed employment contracts with more than 100 employees from Ukraine.
Kateřina Snopková from the Department of Microbiology at the Faculty of Medicine has fulfilled her scientific dream by naming a new species of bacteria. It is named after the island where the Czech Antarctic Research Programme has one of its bases.
The vast majority of normal matter in the Universe is not made up of planets, stars and galaxies, but of a very thin material called the galactic atmosphere. Information about a new aspect of intergalactic weather was reported in the journal Nature.
Masaryk University presented the projects supported in the first year the ComMUNIty Fund competition and completed at the end of last year.
Masaryk University is entering the year 2025 with three dozen funded investment projects, which were presented on January 29 at a meeting of stakeholders and suppliers organised by MU together with the South Moravian Regional Authority and the Brno University of Technology.
A great way to celebrate the International Day of Women and Girls in Science is by visiting the “Women of Mathematics from Around the World” exhibition, which is on display in February at the Bohunice University Campus, corridor B/C.
The celebration of the 106th anniversary of Masaryk University was held in the spirit of commemorating 100 years since the university awarded its first honorary doctorate, whose recipient was the composer Leoš Janáček.
International cooperation is well underway at the Faculty of Science Masaryk University thanks to a new isotope lab, dedicated to studying both ancient and modern human populations.
MU maintained its good position in the growing competition and improved its scores across all rankings in 2024.