Richard Gaetan Paul Drevet, Ph.D.
Researcher III, Deposition of Thin films and Nanostructures
R&D centre for plasma and nanotechnology surface modifications (LM2023039)
MU Researcher: doc. Mgr. Dušan Kováčik, PhD. MU Faculty or unit: Faculty of Science Project Period: 1/2023 — 12/2026Investor: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the CR / Large Infrastructures for Research, Development and Innovation -
Tenzometrické tenkovrstvé senzory s vysokou citlivostí a životností připravované pomocí magnetronové depozice (FW06010462)
MU Researcher: prof. Mgr. Petr Vašina, Ph.D. MU Faculty or unit: Faculty of Science Project Period: 3/2023 — 6/2026Investor: Technology Agency of the Czech Republic / TREND -
R&D centre for plasma and nanotechnology surface modifications (LM2018097)
MU Researcher: prof. RNDr. Mirko Černák, CSc. MU Faculty or unit: Faculty of Science Project Period: 3/2019 — 12/2022Investor: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the CR / Large Infrastructures for Research, Development and Innovation