Success Stories
Knowing the history of discoveries can make one a better scientist, says photochemist Vaidhyanathan Ramamurthy
We feel honoured that Prof. Ramamurthy shared his photochemistry expertise with SCI MUNI this semester. He also taught an inspiring course 'Being a Scientist'. Discover more about his scientific journey with light, from his childhood experiments and adventures.
Prof. Vaidhyanathan Ramamurthy
Department of Chemistry, University of Miami
Fulbright Distinguished Scholar Award Fellow at Masaryk University, Faculty of Science, Fall 2024
Ramamurthy was born in India (1946). He obtained MSc degree from Indian Institute of Technology, Madras in 1968, following which he pursued his graduate education at University of Hawaii, Honolulu, USA and received PhD degree in 1974. Following postdoctoral studies at University of Western Ontario and Columbia University, he joined the Indian Institute of Science in Bangalore, India in 1978. Following employments at The DuPont company and Tulane University, in 2005 January, Ramamurthy moved to University of Miami, Coral Gables as Professor and Chair of the Department of Chemistry where he is currently directing a group of 6 coworkers. He has spent the Fall 2024 as a Fulbright-Masaryk University Distinguished Scholar at Faculty of Science, MUNI.
Photo: Irina Matusevich
Ramamurthy Research Group projects aimed at achieving selectivity in (photo)chemical reactions that bear similarity to biological media explore the use of readily available host molecules that are similar in size to the reactants. Their research interests involving synthesis of organic molecules, X-ray crystallography, solid state NMR, spectroscopic structural tools such as UV, IR 1D, 2D-NMR, steady state and time resolved transient spectroscopy, and computational methods provide well-rounded experimental skills to students. Murthy Group projects encompassing concepts from currently popular topics such as nano-chemistry, supramolecular chemistry and green chemistry serve to train students in the broader areas of physical organic chemistry, supramolecular chemistry and photochemistry.
Did your interest in light begin in early childhood? Could you tell us more about your childhood experiments, please?
Yes, my fascination with light began quite early in my childhood. I remember being around six years old when I started experimenting with light. I noticed people walking on the street getting projected on inside wall of the house when the entrance door with a keyhole was closed. One of my earliest experiments involved focusing sunlight through a keyhole using a mirror. I would ask my younger sister to dance between the keyhole and the mirror, and I was amazed to see her actions projected upside down on the other side of the door, almost “like a movie”.
Even though I didn’t understand the science behind it at the time, these experiments sparked a deep interest in light and its properties. Looking back, those simple childhood experiments laid the foundation for my lifelong passion for studying light. They taught me to observe, question, and explore the world around me, which are essential qualities for any scientist. Interestingly as I began reading the history of light, I noticed a very similar experiment was carried out by Ḥasan Ibn al-Haytham in Cairo in the 11th century AD. This observation led him to develop the first pin-hole camera (Camera Obscura).
Could you share some of your interests during childhood and where you grew up? Did you have any early dreams or ideas about your future career?
Both my father a schoolteacher and my mother a homemaker gave me freedom to choose what I wanted to do in life. They probably would have been satisfied with my choice of father’s career—a teacher. Since there were no options or role-models to emulate in my village or nearby town I had no big dreams till I went to college. As I started reading newspapers, I saw columns describing the life and achievements of famous Indian scientists. Reading of these prompted me to want to become one like them in the future. Surprisingly when I grew up, I became a colleague of some of them and got to know many of them.
What inspired you to become a scientist?
My inspiration to become a scientist probably began in primary school, where I was always eager to experiment with what I learned in class. My mother would help me gather materials from the kitchen and around the house. Most of my experiments didn’t turn out as expected due to a lack of proper chemicals, tools and procedures. Thankfully, these failed experiments did not quench my curiosity. The only successful experiments were those involving light, which fascinated me even then.
One memorable incident from my childhood was when I heard about a hen in the next village that supposedly knew the directions—North and South. Intrigued, my friends and I walked along the train tracks for about two miles to find this hen. It turned out to be what I later learned to be called a rooster weathervane. At that age not knowing anything about magnetic needle the ‘smart hen’ seemed ‘magical’. Reflecting on these experiences, I realize that my curiosity has always driven my interest in science. This curiosity, nurtured by my early experiments and adventures is still driving my interest in science.

Which subjects did you enjoy most in school?
I always had a hard time remembering dates, places, and names in school, which made subjects like history, geography, and biology less appealing to me. However, I found a deep interest in mathematics and physics. These subjects seemed logical and structured, and I loved that I could arrive at the correct answers by understanding the basic principles. This logical approach kept my interest in these subjects alive throughout my life.
In middle and high school, I was fortunate to have excellent teachers in both natural and social sciences. Their passion and dedication made learning enjoyable and inspired me to delve deeper into the subjects I loved. My parents also played a crucial role in my education. They taught me to be focused, disciplined, goal-oriented, and courteous to others. In some sense, the early life in the village where I born and raised shaped both my personal and professional life.

How did your journey toward chemistry develop during your time in college?
During my college days, chemistry often felt like a subject that required more memorization than rationalization. Despite my stronger liking towards mathematics and physics, I chose to major in chemistry because there was a prevailing perception that a background in chemistry would lead to better job opportunities. This made gaining admission to the chemistry program quite competitive, but I was fortunate enough to secure a spot. College was a transformative period for me. It wasn’t just about academics; it was also about growing up, making friends, and learning to manage myself. In retrospect, my journey through college was pivotal as it helped me develop a deeper appreciation for chemistry and solidified my decision to pursue it as a career.

What did you study at Madras, and how would you describe your experience during your PhD and post-doctoral studies in the United States?
A major breakthrough in my education came when I joined the Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IIT-M) for a Master’s in chemistry. Coming from a village, it was a significant achievement as no one from my village or college had ever gone there. I learned about IIT-M through newspapers, and getting in was a challenge, even more so now. The two years at IIT-M was the most important educational preparatory time in my life. It was there that I learned the basics, developed rational thinking in chemistry, and discovered the opportunities ahead. The competition was intense, with most students coming from big cities and prestigious schools, so it took some time to adjust. However, this experience opened many doors for me.
One of my professors (Prof. V. Ramamkrishnan) took a particular interest and mentored me towards pursuing a PhD in the United States. He even recommended the university and the advisor I should work with. I am deeply grateful for his selfless guidance. His mentorship was crucial in my journey as initially my parents were against me going abroad, I believe he would have been proud when IIT-M recognized me as one of their Distinguished Alumni a decade ago.
As per the advice of my IIT teacher I went to the University of Hawaii and did my PhD under Prof. Robert S.H. Liu. The project was related to chemical aspects of vision. Almost from day one exciting results came out routinely and we published more than dozen articles. In fact, this work opened a new line of research in Liu’s laboratory which he continued for two decades. This positive experience gave me confidence and decided to look for opportunities in well-established laboratories for postdoctoral studies. Professors Paul de Mayo and Nicholas J. Turro with whom I did postdoctoral studies were distinctly different in the way they pursued their research. The combined experience I had with three eminent photochemists, Liu, de Mayo and Turro was matchless, and their distinct styles helped me to shape my own approach.
How did you initially become interested in your research topic?
As I mentioned above, my interest in light began early on, as my experiments with light were more successful than those with kitchen chemicals. My teacher at IIT-M suggested that photochemistry had a bright future and encouraged me to pursue a PhD in that field. I was fortunate to work with three superb photochemists during my PhD and postdoctoral studies, who played significant roles in my scientific career. Their mentorship and our close relationships were invaluable.
I have always been more interested in basic science than applied science. Even though I worked for DuPont, I didn’t develop a knack for using chemistry to improve everyday life. However, I believe I contribute to society by creating new knowledge, training and mentoring students.
Light is essential for life, and despite centuries of curiosity, many questions about it remain unanswered. As chemists, we use light to induce molecular transformations, combining molecules and materials to enhance our lifestyle. My research focuses on accumulating new knowledge and addressing questions in the field of photochemistry. Although light and heat (fire) have fascinated people for thousands of years, we are yet to fully understand them.

Your research spans synthesis of organic molecules, X-ray crystallography, solid-state NMR, and various spectroscopic tools like UV, IR, 2D-NMR, as well as computational methods. How did these diverse interests shape your approach to training students?
Organic chemists are trained to synthesize, characterize and analyse small molecules. I learnt these basic skills as well as techniques to perform reactions initiated by light. With these skills I initiated independent research at the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore and trained graduate students. As the work progressed, I realized that I need to learn X-ray crystallography and quantum chemical calculations. Instead, of learning all these myself I decided to collaborate with experts in the department. This approach seemed much more efficient, effective and reliable. At DuPont my line of research changed to solids which required the use of solid-state NMR. Once again, I sought after an expert, this time outside my own institution. These initial experiences shaped my line of approach towards research: initiate the research with basic knowledge, learn whatever is required to solve a problem and seek out experts on related topics within or outside the workplace. I believe this led me to collaborate with experts on time resolved spectroscopy, 1D and 2D NMR, solid state NMR, EPR, quantum chemistry, X-ray crystallography, synthesis of porous solid materials, etc. My approach has been to learn enough to intelligently discuss with collaborators and ask meaningful questions. I involve students in the process who learn to solve problems utilizing multiple techniques. Often, they spend time in other laboratories and carry out experiments themselves with the help of students in collaborators’ laboratories. Recent inventions of Zoom, Skype etc. have made interacting with scientists at far-off places possible. With such joint work both my co-workers and me expand our knowledge in another field. In the future I believe groups rather than individuals would solve research problems faster and easily necessitating good inter-personal skills.
Tools available to solve problems in science are increasing rapidly. These are sophisticated, complex and expensive. At the same time, they help to address complex and more difficult problems. A single laboratory can’t afford all these, and one person can’t become an expert. In the future, collaboration would be the key to solve important problems in science. As a researcher I can’t train my students on all tools needed to solve a problem, but I can make them be aware that they need to develop skills to be able to interact with experts on related topics. To be successful in modern scientific research the student should be ready to think beyond boundaries, able to get involved in teamwork, not be intimidated by the complexity of modern tools, accept not knowing something is not a fault and be ready to ask questions like a child. I believe my research that involves multiple tools, and several collaborations is an ideal ground to train the next generation of photochemists.
Collaboration is a big part of research—how have you found working with scientists from our faculty on similar topics?
From my previous visit in 2010 I know Prof. Petr Klán, Prof. Vladimír Šindelář and Assoc. Prof. Dominik Heger. During this trip I met several more faculty in the department and discussed their research with them. Also, I had an opportunity to visit the impressive Josef Dadok National NMR Centre and RECETOX. I am sure these centres would remain as role models for what could be achieved when scientists with different backgrounds work together. From literature, through discussion and attending group meetings and department seminars I am familiar with the research of several faculty members in the department. Knowing the strengths of the department now, I plan to collaborate with some of the faculty members in the future. The faculty members I met were welcoming, and I am confident we can explore areas of collaboration. My area of interest touches upon photochemistry, physical organic chemistry, supramolecular chemistry and chemistry in confined spaces. There are accomplished experts on these topics in the Department of chemistry and I hope to build joint programs with them. One area I see strength at MUNI is NMR with an extensive collection of high-field NMR instruments, a technique I use extensively in my research. A collaboration on this front would certainly be beneficial to my group. Overall, I see strengths on several fronts in the chemistry program. This visit, I am sure would lead to new joint ventures.

Who are some of the collaborators you work with, and what are your current research focuses?
I am an organic photochemist interested in bringing about molecular transformations focusing specifically in using water as the solvent and light as a reagent (sustainable chemistry). In addition, my group is interested in making reactions very selective, lead to single instead of multiple products, by employing a strategy of controlling the dynamics of molecules by confining them in small spaces which is yet another molecule. This strategy is also used by nature, it performs reactions in water and makes them selective by confining molecules in enzyme pockets. We initiated such types of studies even before sustainable chemistry became a fashionable topic of research. At the moment, in addition to looking for ways to make this approach general we are interested in understanding the mechanistic details of how the medium alters the dynamics of the reactive confined molecule. This needs help from ultrafast spectroscopists, computational and quantum chemists. As mentioned above with my limited expertise on these topics, I seek experts independent of the location. I spend ~20% of my time in a day discussing with collaborators either via Zoom or in person. In the process I have learned a lot and I am humbled by the knowledge in these fields and those that have it. These collaborations have provided an opportunity to be a life-long learner. I have collaborators in India, Portugal, Italy, China and Japan and at other Universities in USA. Without collaboration I would not have been able to do and learn as much as I have.
At my age I believe it is important to pass on the accumulated knowledge to younger generations and help exchange of information between chemists. To achieve this goal, I co-organize an online (Zoom) weekly seminar program titled “Light as a reagent and product”. We bring in speakers from US, Asia and Europe; even photochemists from Czech Republic have given talks in this forum. This vibrant activity is especially useful to chemists working in less research-friendly environment.
What motivated you to come to our faculty for your third Fulbright grant?
At the invitation of Prof. Peter Klán, I spent one week giving lectures in MUNI in 2010. That was my first introduction to Czech Republic. The visit gave me an opportunity to interact with the faculty and students of MUNI-Chemistry. I was quite impressed with the quality and enthusiasm of the faculty and students of the department and the research atmosphere in Prof. Klán’s group. In addition, the vibrant culture, friendly people of Brno and nature surrounding the area made quite an impression on me and my wife. In a way this was the ‘love at first sight’. Being focussed mainly in chemistry I was not aware of Gregor Johann Mendel till I visited Brno. As soon as I became aware of his association to Brno, my interest in science history wanted me to learn more about him and the place. But we had no time. So, another trip seemed appropriate.
I have been on short visits to China, India, Japan and Korea to give short courses on photochemistry. In addition to students in my own University, I love to interact with students from other countries, which helps me to understand the mindset of students of different backgrounds, their level of preparation and interest in science. I have been in Europe to give a few research lectures, but I have never been in Europe on extended stays. Therefore, when the Fulbright opportunity came up, I decided to choose a country in Europe. I wanted to be in a place where the science is on upward trajectory, valued and supported and has a history. In addition, I liked to spend time in a department where high quality research is ongoing both in my area of interest as well as chemistry in general. Above all it is pleasant to be in a place where I would be wanted and appreciated. For me MUNI was the obvious choice.

In your course, ‘Being a Scientist’, you aim to both inspire future scientists and foster scientific thinking in students. What inspired you to create this course?
As I near the end of my career, which started in 1970—over 50 years ago- I find myself reflecting on the journey I have taken. There are many insights and lessons I wish I had known earlier in my carrier. For instance, understanding the background of scientific discoveries, how important scientists achieved their breakthroughs, and what motivated them, could have been very helpful. It’s valuable for students to learn these aspects too, rather than just memorizing equations, synthesis steps and reagents. Knowing how discoveries were made can provide the context that we often don't have time to teach in traditional courses. The context can inspire students and help them see the bigger picture of scientific progress. Although this could be done by students on their own, I felt a structured course would be useful. By providing this perspective, I aim to inspire them to pursue their own scientific inquires with a solid understanding of major scientific advancements.
Where did you first introduce this course ‘Being a Scientist’?
About five years ago, I introduced this course at our university for freshmen. In the American system, students choose their major after first year of study, so this course helps them understand the significance of science, key achievements in the field, and how scientists made these breakthroughs. I believe this foundational understanding is useful for students as they explore their options. This course is offered to a small, select group of about 20-25 students. Typically, these topics are covered by the Departments of Philosophy or History, but their approach often focuses on the personalities or philosophical/historical implications rather than the scientific ideas themselves. I’m more interested in understanding how scientific ideas developed—the actual thought process, experiments, and insights that led to major discoveries.
Are there any scientific discoveries or persons you find particularly inspiring?
One person close to home who inspired me most, even at young age, was a mathematical genius by name Ramanujan. He was born and lived near my village and went to the same college I did. With no formal education in mathematics and no college degree contributed enormously to mathematics during his short lifetime (1887-1920). He is an acknowledged mathematical genius. There are movies, TV shows and You Tube videos about him. Although I knew nothing of his contributions, the fact that he came from the same place gave me confidence that I too could make original contributions, however small it may be, if I worked hard and remain focussed. I have a photo of him in my office and at home.
It is much easier to idolize role models in one’s own field. So, I will restrict my personal selection to those who contributed to the fundamental understanding of ‘light’, my area of interest. As I started reading more about the history of light, beyond the standard textbooks, I wished I had met three great scientists in my field—Faraday, Maxwell and Planck. Michael Faraday, who came from a poor background made groundbreaking contributions to electricity and magnetism without any mathematics knowledge as he did not attend beyond secondary school. His experiments that laid the foundation for much of modern science and technology did not receive due attention at the time. The value of Faraday’s experiments related to light was realized only after James Clerk Maxwell translated the experimental observations into mathematical form. And then from my perspective, Max Planck laid the foundations for the modern quantum chemistry by recognizing that the absorption and emission of light are quantized. I would choose portraits of these three pioneers for my office. Multiple biographies of these great scientists are available. Young researchers should read them to realize what could be achieved in science if one dedicates his/her mind into it.
Of course, in Brno we have Mendel who laid the groundwork for modern genetics. In fact, one of the reasons for coming to Brno is to get to know more about Mendel and walk in the hallways he might have walked. I am lucky to have visited the church where he worked, the monastery where he lived and the field where he cultivated the pea plants. Had I been a biologist/geneticist surely, I would have picked Mendel’s portrait for my office.
How do you motivate students to pursue careers in science through your course ‘Being a Scientist’?
The course ‘Being a Scientist’ traces the origin and progress of answers to important questions relating to Nature and goes into the details of how small, unexpected observations lead to major discoveries that change the world we live in. Tracing the historical development of valuable ideas, theories and concepts in chemistry the course highlights that even modern scientific theories are not absolute facts. New observations with sophisticated instruments could change the concepts that seemed to answer the questions earlier. Students must get over the belief that everything in the book is absolute truth. The belief that new observations, theories and thinking could change the accepted paradigm should motivate every student to be the paradigm changer. This realization should give the students that there is still room for them in the world of science. Understanding how great scientists framed and solved problems should enable students to see the progression of ideas, the thrill in discovery and the consequent impact. Realization that the daily used mobile telephones, computers etc. and medicines that cure deadly deceases are the products of scientific discovery should make students realize that there are opportunities to make it ‘big’ in science. The course makes students to be aware that science, technology and better living go together.
What limitations do you observe in the contemporary generation's decision to pursue science in their university studies?
The current culture seems to value material success, and with new technology, there are endless products to buy, which makes financial security feel even more essential to students. When I was a student, we didn’t have computers or cell phones, and there wasn’t as much emphasis on owning things. Today, students feel pressured to keep up, which shifts their motivation towards fields that promise a higher income. This focus on money influences students’ career choices, and I’ve seen this change over the years. There is a perception that natural science like arts and social sciences do not guarantee long term financial stability. Both students and their parents should be made aware of the joy of doing science even if the remuneration is not as much as being a doctor, lawyer etc. For the good of science, it is important to send a message that doing good science is as much enjoyable as listening to a great concert, opera or visiting an arts museum. We have this life to live—it is important to explore and enjoy it and not let material success be the primary objective.
Where do you see both strengths and limitations in the reliability of contemporary scientific conclusions?
Research was conducted by fewer people in the past which allowed for greater control over quality and analysis. Now, there are overwhelming opportunities for doing research and it is often used by academic administrators as a basis for decisions on promotions, pay raises, and other rewards. This has led to an increased emphasis on publishing as many papers as possible, often without careful analysis of the data or waiting for proper results. In parallel, competition from publishers with journals to attract work from all types of research has been unprecedented. Of late, with very little investment publishing has become an attractive money-making enterprise. Consequently, the focus has shifted from quality to quantity. This push for volume has compromised the depth and rigor of some research. With pressure from publishers to maintain international representation also contributes to the emphasis on quality publications. Overwhelming number of submissions challenges thorough evaluation of each submission. The volume and lack of competent reviewers make the evaluation process exceptionally difficult. For most editors to whom it is a secondary job, thorough checking of the submission, finding reviewers and overseeing the editorial process requires the time of a primary job. Moreover, administrators who evaluate research outputs often lack the expertise in specialized fields like chemistry or math. With limited understanding of the subject matter and with no mind and time to listen to experts, they rely solely on publication counts as a measure of productivity, assuming a higher number of papers to correspond to higher quality. This reliance on quantity over quality is a major issue in today’s academic landscape. It is not obvious when and how a flash point would be.
In terms of actual research infrastructure, the instrumental, computer, internet facilities have tremendously improved over the last two decades. This enables one to address more complex scientific problems than one could pursue decades ago. Even literature search that used to take weeks and months in the library can be done from the laboratory in a few hours. These make doing science a joy and also expensive.

In your career, what would you have done differently?
As a Hindu I was brought up to “focus on doing your best in the present moment without being attached to the outcome to come later. Recognition should not be the driver for doing the work”. So, I am used to just doing my work. Luckily, some of my mentors and well-wishers saw something in me and my work and helped make my work visible. I would say to young people “You cannot sit in the corner and wait for someone to find you. You have to sell your work”. Because of my upbringing I lack that ability. With the available opportunities and competition that brings out the best in one, there are lot more well-qualified and accomplished people in the world today than five decades ago. Because of this to be noticed one has to be in the front row. Nothing wrong in being ambitious for the right reasons. Although awards and recognitions have only time-dependent value they help to remain motivated and noticed by administrators and colleagues. Keep in mind that these recognitions will not last if the work is not of high quality.
I carried out research at four different places (IISc, The DuPont Company, Tulane and the University of Miami), both in University and Industrial environments. Presence of dedicated students in the laboratory at universities all through my career, the administrative support received at DuPont as well as financial support provided by the National Science Foundation enabled me to pursue research of my liking in basic science. I like to believe that I made the best use of the opportunity that became available to me. I was lucky to have had access to the best minds in my area of interest, independent of where I worked, even more now thanks to internet, email and Zoom.
I am fortunate to have a wonderful and supportive family: parents who put me on the right track and left me to take care of myself; wife who has been a source of strength in everyday activity in my entire career, often offering suggestions on some of my scientific activities; son and siblings not demanding much attention and leaving me to focus on my work. At times I wish I had found a better balance between work and family.

How do you spend your leisure time?
I enjoy going out with my wife, especially for grocery shopping, concerts and temples and traveling to distant places. I relish listening to Indian classical music and reading books related to biography of scientists, eastern philosophy, and on the concept of ‘consciousness’. I find it interesting that ancient scholars had the same questions as many of us have today. In the absence of tools to probe them through experiments they used their minds to arrive at conclusions. The books written in currently non-existing languages such as Pali and Sanskrit are treasure troves for anyone wishing to address ‘big’ questions of life. I attempt to read and understand the English translations of some of them. Books such as Bhagavad Gita, Advaita, Dhammapada etc. provide valuable perspectives on living a fulfilling and peaceful life. A combination of the modern tools and wisdom of ancient scholars could provide answers to some of the questions in the future. I believe general reading, beyond chemistry is a habit young students should adopt; it not only helps to develop logical thinking and enables one to communicate better, a skill essential to be a successful scientist. My suggestion to young researchers is “learn to speak and write well in English”. Doing good science alone is not sufficient; communicating it is important.
How would you define your experience at Masaryk University, Faculty of Science?
I was in MUNI 15 years ago for a week at the invitation of Prof. Peter Klán and the Department of chemistry. That experience prompted my wife and me to return. During this longer visit, thanks to Fulbright, we have been welcomed with open arms by the faculty of the Department of chemistry and members of MUNI. We have benefitted immensely through scientific and social contacts with faculty and students of the department. The experiences with some of the faculty members at lunch time, occasional visits around and to outskirts of Brno and attending cultural programs and social events with chemistry friends and in the city will be cherished and remain in our memory for ever. Becoming a member and alumni of the vibrant MUNI community is an unexpected outcome of our second, longer stay here.
Thank you for the inspiring conversation, and I look forward to seeing you soon at our faculty.
Zuzana Jayasundera
*) DD Moonsong. Pinnur [online]. [cit. 10. 12. 2024]. Available at:

Prof. Ramamurthy visited Masaryk University's Faculty of Science through the Fulbright Distinguished Scholar Awards, widely regarded as among the most prestigious appointments within the Fulbright Scholar Program.