Project information
- Project Identification
- CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/19_074/0012727 (kod CEP: EF19_074/0012727)
- Project Period
- 7/2019 - 12/2022
- Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the CR
- Operational Programme Research, Development and Education
- Priority axis 2: Development of universities and human resources for research and development
- MU Faculty or unit
- Rector's Office
- Other MU Faculty/Unit
- Faculty of Arts
- Other MU Faculty/Unit
Faculty of Science
- prof. RNDr. Jana Klánová, Ph.D.
- Andy Beier, Dr. rer. nat.
- Ing. Jana Navrátilová, Ph.D.
- Other MU Faculty/Unit
Faculty of Economics and Administration
- prof. Mgr. Jiří Špalek, Ph.D.
- Dr. Magdalena Adamus
- Eugenio Levi, PhD
- Other MU Faculty/Unit
Central European Institute of Technology
- Mgr. Nikola Kostlánová, Ph.D.
- Maria Metsger, Dr. rer. nat.
- Aleš Obrdlík, Ph.D.
Cílem projektu je zajištění realizace projektových návrhů, které byly úspěšné ve výzvě Evropské Komise v programu H2020: Marie-Sklodowska-Curie Actions – Individual Fellowships v roce 2018. Vědci z Masarykovy univerzity získali excelentní hodnocení a skrze realizaci jejich projektových záměrů dojde k posílení vědeckého výkonu a mezinárodní spolupráce na MU. Výsledkem projektu budou vědecké výstupy té nejvyšší kvality, kterou zaručuje jak schéma MSCA-IF, tak kvalita mentorů a prostředí MU.
Sustainable Development Goals
Masaryk University is committed to the UN Sustainable Development Goals, which aim to improve the conditions and quality of life on our planet by 2030.
Total number of publications: 19
Cross sectional study on exposure to BPA and its analogues and semen parameters in Czech men
Environmental Pollution, year: 2024, volume: 345, edition: March 2024, DOI
The lasting impact of external shocks on political opinions and populist voting
Economic Inquiry, year: 2024, volume: 62, edition: 1, DOI
The role of costly commitment signals in assorting cooperators during intergroup conflict
Evolution and Human Behavior, year: 2024, volume: 45, edition: 2, DOI
You before me: How vertical collectivism and feelings of threat predicted more socially desirable behaviour during COVID-19 pandemic
CURRENT PSYCHOLOGY, year: 2024, volume: 43, edition: 9, DOI
Religious costly signal induces more trustworthiness than secular costly signal : A study of pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela
European Journal of Social Psychology, year: 2023, volume: 53, edition: 6, DOI
Advertising cooperative phenotype through costly signals facilitates collective action
ROYAL SOCIETY OPEN SCIENCE, year: 2022, volume: 9, edition: 5, DOI
The Bisphenols Found in the Ejaculate of Men Does Not Pass through the Testes
Toxics, year: 2022, volume: 10, edition: 6, DOI
Advertising cooperative phenotype through costly signals
Year: 2021, type: Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
FireProt(ASR): A Web Server for Fully Automated Ancestral Sequence Reconstruction
Briefings in Bioinformatics, year: 2021, volume: 22, edition: 4, DOI
FireProt(DB): database of manually curated protein stability data
Nucleic acids research, year: 2021, volume: 49, edition: D1, DOI