Project information
Identification and characterization of proteins involved in metabolism of G-quadruplexes and R-loops and molecular mechanisms of their relationship with replication
- Project Identification
- 21-22593X
- Project Period
- 1/2021 - 12/2025
- Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Czech Science Foundation
- MU Faculty or unit
Faculty of Medicine
- doc. Mgr. Lumír Krejčí, Ph.D.
- Masaki Akita, PhD
- Mgr. Jakub Cibulka, PhD.
- Anna Černá
- Jana Gašpariková
- Mgr. María Victoria Marini Palomeque, Ph.D.
- Bc. Volha Maroz
- Fedor Nikulenkov, Ph.D.
- RNDr. Jana Procházková, Ph.D.
- Pounami Samadder, Ph.D.
- RNDr. Mário Špírek, PhD.
- Mgr. Magdaléna Zacpalová
- Cooperating Organization
Institute of Molecular Genetics of the ASCR, v. v. i.
- Responsible person Mgr. Jana Dobrovolná, Ph.D.
DNA replication is an essential and one of the most complex processes in the cell. Not only exogenous DNA damage but also intrinsic DNA structures including G-quadruplexes (G4) and R-loops, their stabilization or unscheduled formation represent major replication obstacles with possible detrimental effects on genome integrity. Not surprisingly, those processes are pharmacologically targeted in anticancer therapy, despite the fact that only little is known about the underlying molecular mechanisms. It becomes apparent that maintenance of processive DNA replication requires sophisticated protein networks beyond the core replisome. Whether there is a direct crosstalk between G4 and R-loops, what proteins are involved in their homeostasis and what are the factors diversifying between their beneficial and pathological roles, is not well understood. The goals of our research are to identify proteins associated with G4 and R-loop structures and understand their roles in G4/R-loop formation and resolution as well as relationship to replication fork progression and associated repair.
Sustainable Development Goals
Masaryk University is committed to the UN Sustainable Development Goals, which aim to improve the conditions and quality of life on our planet by 2030.
Total number of publications: 12
Discovery of new inhibitors of nuclease MRE11
European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, year: 2025, volume: 285, edition: March, DOI
RECQ4-MUS81 interaction contributes to telomere maintenance with implications to Rothmund-Thomson syndrome
Nature Communications, year: 2025, volume: 16, edition: 1, DOI
Concurrent D-loop cleavage by Mus81 and Yen1 yields half-crossover precursors
Nucleic Acids Research, year: 2024, volume: 52, edition: 12, DOI
Mechanism of BCDX2-mediated RAD51 nucleation on short ssDNA stretches and fork DNA
Nucleic Acids Research, year: 2024, volume: 52, edition: 19, DOI
MutSβ-MutLβ-FANCJ axis mediates the restart of DNA replication after fork stalling at cotranscriptional G4/R-loops
Science advances, year: 2024, volume: 10, edition: 6, DOI
Physical interaction with Spo11 mediates the localisation of Mre11 to chromatin in meiosis and promotes its nuclease activity
Nucleic acids research, year: 2024, volume: 52, edition: 8, DOI
RAD51 separation of function mutation maintenance but preserves DSB repair
iScience, year: 2024, volume: 27, edition: 4, DOI
MUS81 cleaves TOP1‑derived lesions and other DNA-protein cross‑links
BMC Biology, year: 2023, volume: 21, edition: 1, DOI
Recognition and coacervation of G-quadruplexes by a multifunctional disordered region in RECQ4 helicase
Nature Communications, year: 2023, volume: 14, edition: 1, DOI
The role of bivalent ions in the regulation of D-loop extension mediated by DMC1 during meiotic recombination
iSCIENCE, year: 2022, volume: 25, edition: 11, DOI