
Follow-up Master's degree in full-time or combined form. The language of instruction is Czech.

The programme can be studied as a single subject, as a single subject with a specialization (Applied and environmental geology) or in combination with another programme.

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Admission to Master's degree programmes in 2025/2026 (beginning: Autumn 2025)
Submission deadline until midnight 30 April 2025.

What will you learn?

The aim of teaching in the follow-up master's program Geology is to provide a master's education in theoretical geological fields, i.e. to consolidate and deepen the education obtained in the previous bachelor's program, to become familiar with a basic scientific practice including activities from data collection using scientific instruments, through their evaluation, to writing scientific publications. The program allows students to focus on mineralogy, igneous and metamorphic petrology, paleontology, historical geology, sedimentary geology, geophysics, structural geology and geotectonics economic geology, geotechnics, hydrogeology and/or environmental geology according to their interests. The program provides the qualification of a geologist prepared for independent work in research, educational and popularization institutions (such as research institutes, universities and other colleges, museums, etc.), as well as qualifications for work in geological companies working in applied geological fields, as well as qualifications for administrative workers administrative bodies and offices managing and controlling the work of companies (e.g. departments of construction, environment, mining office, etc.). The program provides education in both full-time and combined forms.

“Mente et malleo - With intelligence and hammer”

Practical training

Practical training depends on the choice of subjects students enrolled for. Practical training linked to compulsory courses is an obligatory part of the study plan for this study programme. Landscape research training and excursions.

Career opportunities

Graduates will find employment both in basic research organizations - in research, educational and popularization institutions, such as research institutes, universities and other colleges, museums, etc., as well as in specialized geological companies and company laboratories, and also in institutions dealing with applying geological knowledge in practice (environmental departments, etc.). The graduate is also ready to continue his doctoral studies in Geology and embark on an academic and research career.

Admission requirements

This study field is possible to study only in Czech language.

Criteria for evaluation

This study field is possible to study only in Czech language.

Recommended literature

This study field is possible to study only in Czech language.

Minimum score and numbers of accepted applicants in past years


1 Jan – 30 Apr 2025

Submit your application during this period

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Study options

Single-subject studies

Students have a pre-defined list of required courses, which are supplemented with selective and elective courses. The student pays full attention to the single field of study chosen.

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Single-subject studies with specialization

In the single-subject studies, the student deepens knowledge in the concrete focus of the degree programme and chooses one specialization. The specialization is stated in the university diploma.

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Combined studies

Combinations with programmes from Faculty of Arts

Courses – curriculum examples

An example of your study plan:

Single-subject studies

Single-subject studies with specialization

Combined studies

Follow-up studies

Students can pursue their studies in any follow-up doctoral degree programmes.

Study information

Provided by Faculty of Science
Type of studies Follow-up master's
Mode full-time Yes
combined Yes
distance No
Study options single-subject studies Yes
single-subject studies with specialization Yes
major/minor studies Yes
Standard length of studies 2 years
Language of instruction Czech

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